More accessible and enjoyable experience for international students and their families
Living and Studying in Australia
Let us help you with all paperwork and moving to another country routine.
Through our partnerships, qualifications, and internal capability we are able to offer diploma qualifications that will give credit towards a university degree (up to the equivalent of one-year *).
The student will be able to undertake their first year of study through a blended delivery model in their home country while being supported with face-to-face tutorials for English, Australian workplace practices, cultural norms, and living independently.
This means that the student would be able to reduce the amount of time that they study in Australia while at the same time-saving money and being better prepared for their academic studies.
The core driver behind the EPI pathway is to make education in Australia a more accessible and enjoyable experience for international students and their families.
This is achieved by:
To achieve the above, the programme is built around four (4) pillars that are delivered over a 10 month period:
On completion of the programme, students go to Australia as Year Two (2) students.
Completion of Australian Diploma in the chosen specialty
Webinars and one-on-one coaching when necessary
How to live and engage in their local communities
Self-management has been raised as an indicator to success
The image on the left breaks down a typical three-year bachelor degree to illustrate the Educational Pathways International (EPI) element of the degree.
As can be seen, Year 1 of the bachelor degree is done through EPI here in Thailand.
Have questions? Contact us right now!
Agent ID 47567