Making it ‘STICK’

The biggest complaint CEOs have about training is that it does not translate into a change in the workplace!

We believe that for behavioral change to occur, the application of theory must be supported by appropriate stakeholder involvement.


Our programmes are based on an applications centred approach meaning that the focus of a programme is on application to work and life rather than on what is going to be learnt.

Why is this different?

The key difference in the approaches is related to ROI.


A focus on what is going to be learnt seldom generates sustained behavioural change across a group of people. A focus on application with agreed measurements around that application though does and does so consistently. This change is what generates the ROI from each of the modules (HC).

Habit Circles

There is a strong argument to suggest that our habits determine the types of relationships we have, the degree of success we achieve and the level of happiness in our day-to-day lives.


Our habits are the result of our behaviours and so if we want to be happier, more successful and/or have better relationships; we need to address the underpinning behaviours that create our various habits.


With this thinking in mind, we have identified a series of steps needed to establish desired leadership behaviors and embed them as habits. These steps make up a habit circle lasting approximately eight (8) weeks.


In order to achieve sustained behavioral change, we deliver each habit circle as a stand-alone module and link each of those modules to create the overall program.


Given our focus on application rather than learning, it is not surprising that we embed a range of different assessment processes in each module (habit circle):

  • Level 1: Reaction. This is typically completed by participants on their mobile phones. There are options though for pencil and paper and/or browser-based assessments.
  • Level 2: Learning. The focus of this assessment is to confirm that learning has taken place. As with Level 1, it can be completed by mobile, tablet, browser, or paper and pen; whatever best fits with the needs of the individual being assessed.
  • Level 3: Application. This assessment is done as a one-on-one coaching and assessment session, It can be face2face or virtual and focuses on what has been applied.
  • Level 4: Impact. Levels 3 and 4 can be difficult to assess the validity of the evidence provided and so it is important to seek input from several sources. We seek input from the following:
    • Subordinate (s);
    • Peers;
    • Line manager;
    • 3rd Party Assessor (one of our team that is a qualified assessor and coach).
  • Level 5: Cultural Splash. Measures the degree of interaction with peers, subordinates, and managers as a direct result of a block of learning. The measurement seeks to understand how relationships have been affected and what behavioral changes if any have been observed. This is important as it provides a reliable indication of the impact of the program on individuals not involved directly in the program.

A Modular Approach

Our programmes build on the understanding that you are looking for more than just the delivery of learning. We understand that you are looking for sustained behavioural change and so we work with you to align the chosen initiative (s) with your business needs and the specific outcomes that you are seeking. To facilitate this process we design programmes as a series of modules.


As illustrated in the diagram below, a module (block) is a structured process designed to facilitate the application of learning and sustained behavioural change. We prepare all of your people to fulfil their responsibilities.


While most clients prefer face-to-face facilitation, we do offer flipped and blended learning solutions for those with remote staff, or staff too busy to attend workshops.


The image below: Model by P. J. Bull, 2005


Our facilitators are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Industry experience.
  • Cross-cultural experience.
  • Leadership development experience.
  • Academic qualifications.
  • Practicality.
  • Language capability,


Flexibility is at the core of everything we do and this is particularly evident in the way in which we approach delivery.


Our face2face programmes are high energy events that engage participants and leave them wanting more.


Our facilitators are at the top of their game and so are able to deliver memorable, life-impacting events to participants. This, together with our learning model is why we are able to achieve continued success in terms of sustained behaviour change and business impact.

Blended Learning

We recognize that the future is digital and so over the past four years have been working hard to develop our capability in this area.


In designing our platform we were conscious of the need for flexibility, ease of use, and accessibility. With this thought in mind, we built a system that sits on a wireframe made up of square and rectangular tiles. Each of those tiles can be assigned a unique function and that function together with the look and feel of the tile itself can be updated as and when needed at little to no cost.


For the user, it means that they can access learning resources as and when they need them: on or offline. For your company, it means a flexible information delivery platform that you can adjust as and when needed for much more than simply learning & Development.


Our material is built by a team of professionals that understand the need for learning material to be:

  • Engaging.
  • Relevant.
  • Adaptable.
  • Flexible.
  • Available on or offline.
  • Visually appealing.
  • Wow!